01. Getting Started

01. Hotel Booking - Documentation


Thank you for purchasing my design, now you are an owner of a regular license of the theme.

The documentation help you to start working with your new wordpress theme. Covers the installation, set-up, help on getting started and extensive description of all features available.

Go to officialOnline Documentation

Support Forum

In case you could have any doubt about some detail explained here or any other problem just create a support ticket, I will try to help as better as possible.

"Free Support" is provided only for bugs, theme related issues and really small modifications, everything else, including the adding of complex features or CSS changes, will be treated as "custom work".

Go to Support Forum

Custom Work

Please remember that WordPress themes are purchased as-is.

If you want to make changes to the theme, changes that require custom editing or the addition of new features, you should contact out customization team in our profile on Envato Studio.

Here the link: Envato Studio